Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Merlion in Singapore

Just sharing a wonderful place here in Singapore, Singapore a nice place here Asia and one of the tourist spot in the world the Merlion. this place are one of the best place you need to visit here in Singapore because of ambiance and the feelings you visit the most and one popular dream to visit.

In my visit Merlion is a half fish and a lion. the lion symbolized the original name Singapura which means the City of lions and the fish or a sea means the early livelihood of Singapore, fishing. and years past the Singapura now called Singapore.

Many tourist spot here in Singapore you need to discover and take a look and here are those.
  • Merlions
  • Sentosa
  • Universal Studios
You can also visit many more tourist destination here in Singapore and also the food. many restaurant and fast foods are serving great meals for affordable price that surely awesome.


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